New Moon in Cancer

New Moon in Cancer

How is Cancer season treating you so far? Upon re-reading past journal entries from this time two years ago, it hasn't packed the same emotional punch. I've noticed more surrounding the Saturn Retrograde in my everyday life. Lessons around money and stability, as well as things being held up.

Cancer, the emotional crustaceans.

On Friday, July 5th, the sun and moon will be in the sign of Cancer. Cancer is a water sign known for its emotional intelligence, creativity, and domestic nature. They value a stable home life and nurturing the ones around them. During the Cancer new moon, you may look for ways to heal and refresh your life. Letting yourself release old emotional wounds and blockages will be especially easy. As I've mentioned before, I've noticed my life moving in cycles since focusing on my spiritual journey. Some of the things I worked on releasing with the Cancer Full Moon in December have resurfaced. In that post, I listed a few areas where it would be beneficial to pay attention:

  • Healing Blocks
  • Spiritual Blocks
  • Emotional Blocks
  • Creative Blocks
  • Self-limiting Beliefs
  • Attachments and Relationships
  • Expectations and Control

I remember making a list as I do during each full moon. I made present tense statements like "I release..." or "I'm no longer tied to..." for these topics. I went through a pretty deep emotional purge during this time. Anytime I feel emotional when triggered, but I'm no longer afraid to sit with those emotions. I'll let myself get angry or cry. I'll talk it out with someone I trust. I've learned to not judge myself even when I feel I'm not handling it as well as I'd like.

Since this is a new moon, you can use this same work to create new intentions for the next month. You may even notice that you're seeing results from any work you've already done, especially in your inner world. The changes you make to your inner world are reflected on the outside. That's why of any technique that I could explain, self-concept is the one I'd recommend to anyone. My favorite way to work on self-concept is journaling and affirmations. These affirmations should be unique to you and your life. Write out positive statements about yourself and keep them present. The more you affirm these things to yourself, the more they imprint on your subconscious mind. You will naturally believe and take action from these affirmations. You'll also notice other people repeating them back to you.

As always, I have a few rituals that I do each new moon. As these are only suggestions, you're encouraged to make some of your own. Your practice should feel unique to you.

  • Cleanse - Declutter, clean, smoke-cleanse, simmer pot, etc.
  • Ground - Connect to the earth, meditate, journaling.
  • Set your intentions - Put pen to paper, write out present tense statements of what you want to see in your reality, spellwork, energy work, etc.
  • Keep your list for next month to check your progress and amend when needed.
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