2024 Saturn Retrograde in Pisces

2024 Saturn Retrograde in Pisces

Retrogrades can be a powerful tool to strengthen your spiritual growth. While they've been villainized with fearmongering and manipulation, it can be a useful time when tapping into the energy properly. Retrogrades happen when a planet appears to move backwards from our viewpoint here on Earth. Depending on the planet and the degree, it can even move from one astrological sign to the previous one. (i.e. Aries into Pisces.) How can you use it?

The first step to this process is research. Look into what astrological sign, planet, and degree that the retrograde is occuring. Finding that astrological, planet, and house in your own birth chart will help you get an overarching idea of how this will play out. Example: Our last Mercury Retrograde was in April and it happened in the sign of Aries. I have an Aries Moon and an Aries Mars in the 10th house. There were several moments that I found myself getting emotional (Moon) and frustrated (Mars) when I felt things were slowing down (retrograde). That slow energy impacted business, which also involves the 10th house.

From this point, you gather your details and simply observe your surroundings. You won't have to seek out this energy; it will find you.

Saturn, the planet of limitation and restriction.

As a planet, Saturn is the sixth planet from the sun. It's recognizable due to its rings of ice and rock that surround the planet. It is the second largest planet in our Solar System, next to Jupiter. Depending on where Saturn was in the sky when you were born is the astrological sign that you will have attached to it. For instance, I was born in December 1988 and I have a Capricorn Saturn. Saturn only moves astrological signs once every 2.5 to 3 years. Many people in a generation will have similar Saturn placements due to this slow movement.

Astrologically, Saturn represents the energy of restrictions and limitations within your life. While people mainly attribute karma to this planet, it's not an energy to fear. When you face a challenge in your life, it's often at times where you simply need a pause. Instead of pressing an issue at the same force, your solution is found by finding a new perspective or learning new information. You will learn from going through that obstacle. You will carry that lesson learned onto the next challenge, making it much easier, until it's no longer a limitation or restriction.

Under the Influence of Pisces.

Saturn is a mature, grounded, and wise energy, much like the best of a father figure in your life. When Saturn is in Pisces, it can react in less structured ways. Pisces, ruled by Neptune, is often described as dreamy, floaty, intuitive, creative, and mysterious. It's often during this time that you will see your boundaries soften with others, for better or worse. You may notice your dreams or intuition flowing more often than normal. You may want to pick up a creative project.

When Saturn goes retrograde in the sign of Pisces, you'll be directed to areas of your life where you should reflect and realign. Think of it as a checkpoint. What is important to you? What have you been learning recently? How have you implemented those changes? Many times, it's easy to identify a problem. You have a big change come into your life and you're forced to make decisions on your feet. When you see that something should change for your own self-improvement, it's often that the small changes in behavior are what matters. Routines and dedication make the difference. How can you recommit to yourself and others? How are your boundaries?

Saturn retrograde will give you practical lessons in responsibility. Head into this period with curiosity and openness, rather than fear. As I said previously, this is a time of observance and realignment. See how you react to things. See how others react to you. Meditation and journaling are excellent tools during this time.

Journaling Prompts

  • When faced with a challenge, would you say that you avoid the issue for as long as you can? What do you turn to for distraction?
  • If you are having issues with someone else, how quick are you to blame the other person? Do you blame yourself?
  • How often do you assume the role of the victim in your own life?
  • Where in your life do you find yourself overly attached, clinging, or addicted?
  • How do you respond to someone trying to manipulate you into acting a certain way? Have you ever used these tactics on someone else?
  • How often do you lean on a spiritual tool to help you with your challenges? (divination, tarot, astrology, etc.) Would you say that you use them too much, as a form of spiritual bypassing?

This Saturn Retrograde in Pisces will last from June 29th until November 15th, 2024. It starts at the 19th degree and will work its way back to the 12th degree. All mutable placements (Pisces, Virgo, Sagittarius, Gemini) around those middle degrees may feel the largest impact. As Pisces is ruled by Neptune, expect further energy impacts around July 2nd when Neptune goes retrograde in Pisces as well.

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