2024 Neptune Retrograde in Pisces

2024 Neptune Retrograde in Pisces

As we discussed in the last post about Saturn Retrograde, these periods of time can be used to strengthen your spiritual and emotional life. Saturn Retrograde is happening from now until November 15th in the sign of Pisces. Pisces energy is mysterious, dreamy, and optimistic. This retrograde can cause you become focused on maturity, responsibilities, commitments, and boundaries. This may cause you to reframe your priorities in order to get where you want to be. To read more in-depth about this energy or for a few reflective journal prompts, you can find my previous post here.

Our most recent event is the Neptune retrograde in Pisces. Retrogrades happen when a planet appears to move backwards from our viewpoint here on Earth. Depending on the planet and the degree, it can even move from one astrological sign to the previous one. (i.e. Aries in to Pisces.) How can you use it?

The first step to this process is research. Look into what astrological sign, planet, and degree that the retrograde is occuring. Finding that astrological, planet, and house in your own birth chart will help you get an overarching idea of how this will play out. Example: Our last Mercury Retrograde was in April and it happened in the sign of Aries. I have an Aries Moon and an Aries Mars in the 10th house. There were several moments that I found myself getting emotional (Moon) and frustrated (Mars) when I felt things were slowing down (retrograde). That slow energy impacted business, which also involves the 10th house.

From this point, you gather your details and simply observe your surroundings. You won't have to seek out this energy; it will find you.

Neptune, the planet of the subconscious and creativity.

Neptune, named after the Roman god of the sea, is our eighth planet from the Sun. You may recognize it by it's swirling blue hues. The planet itself is the fourth largest in the solar system. Depending on where Neptune was in the sky when you were born is the astrological sign that you will have attached to it. For instance, I was born in December 1988 and I have a Capricorn Neptune. Neptune only moves astrological signs once every 14 years. Many people in a generation will have similar Neptune placements due to this slow movement.

Astrologically, Neptune represents the subconscious, dreams, illusions, and creativity. When there are major aspects happening with this planet, you'll notice that your subconscious mind may feel more active. Your dreams may become more vivid. You may notice more synchronicities and feelings of deja vu. Leaning into these can also help your spiritual life flourish. Creatively, you may notice yourself picking up a new project or getting inspired easier.

Under the Influence of Pisces.

Neptune rules over the astrological sign of Pisces. Pisces placements exhibit many traits influenced by Neptune energy. They come across as creative, romantic, childlike, and nurturing. When Neptune is in its home sign, everything can feel a little murky. You may indulge in more fantasy or allow yourself to slack off. You may feel your dreams get detailed and a little too close to home, as they will align with your waking life.

When Neptune goes retrograde in the sign of Pisces, you may start to notice the novelty and romanticism start to fade. You may start to reconsider why you wanted something so badly in the first place. You may realize that you've been too lax when it comes to your methods of getting a job done. The illusions that you have allowed yourself to believe may start to fall away. Combined with the Saturn retrograde, it can be a powerful time to release people, places, and things that take up too much of your energy. This will happen naturally, so it's best to observe, reflect, and realign. Take your time and try not to judge yourself for what comes up. Meditation, reflective journaling, therapy, and dream work are all good ideas during this time.

Journaling Prompts

  • Are you prone to overthinking situations in your life? Are there any ways that you can simplify them?
  • What creative hobbies do you enjoy doing in your free time? What do you like most about them?
  • Write about the last time that you used your imagination?
  • If you can remember, what happened in your last dream?
  • If you had no limitations, what would your dream life look like?
  • Would you say that you romanticize situations with potential partners before things have become serious?

This Neptune retrograde is happening in Pisces, from July 2nd until December 7th. This is slow moving energy, but can still be observed. It starts in the 29th degree and will work its way back to the 27th degree. All mutable placements (Pisces, Virgo, Sagittarius, Gemini) around those latter degrees may feel this in a strong way. Many millenials who have a Capricorn Neptune may notice a large influence in their life. In my own experience, I've noticed an increase in productivity and creativity. My dreams have become vivid and I've been keeping up with synchronicities as well. 

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