August 2024 Mercury Retrograde in Virgo

August 2024 Mercury Retrograde in Virgo

Retrogrades can be a powerful tool to strengthen your spiritual growth. While they've been villainized with fearmongering and manipulation, it can be a useful time when tapping into the energy properly. Retrogrades happen when a planet appears to move backwards from our viewpoint here on Earth. Depending on the planet and the degree, it can even move from one astrological sign to the previous one. (i.e. Aries into Pisces.) How can you use it?

The first step to this process is research. Look into what astrological sign, planet, and degree that the retrograde is occuring. Finding that astrological, planet, and house in your own birth chart will help you get an overarching idea of how this will play out. Example: Our last Mercury Retrograde was in April and it happened in the sign of Aries. I have an Aries Moon and an Aries Mars in the 10th house. There were several moments that I found myself getting emotional (Moon) and frustrated (Mars) when I felt things were slowing down (retrograde). That slow energy impacted business, which also involves the 10th house.

From this point, you gather your details and simply observe your surroundings. You won't have to seek out this energy; it will find you.

Mercury, the planet of communication and thought.

As a planet, Mercury is the first planet from the sun. Made up of mostly iron, it is the smallest planet in our solar system. Depending on where Mercury was in the sky when you were born is the astrological sign you have attached to it. For instance, I was born in December 1988 and I have a Capricorn Mercury. Mercury moves between astrological signs about every three to four weeks, and up to ten weeks if the planet is in retrograde. Due to this rapid movement, most people will have differing Mercury placements, even if they were born in the same year or generation. Your Mercury placement will usually fall under the same zodiac sign as your sun, the sign before it, or the sign after. Example: Someone is born as a Sagittarius. You can gather that they are either a Sagittarius, Scorpio, or Capricorn Mercury. Getting someone's birth chart with an accurate birth time will tell you exactly which.

Astrologically, Mercury represents the way you process thoughts, learn new information, and communicate your ideas. The zodiac sign of your Mercury placement can tell you a lot about how you think and how you tell others about yourself. If you pay attention, it can also show you where your strengths and weaknesses lie. You may be an excellent speaker, but struggle listening to others without interruption. You may struggle with speaking in front of strangers, but thrive in front of a group of four or less. No one way is better or worse than another, but understanding how you operate can help you in the long run.

Under the Influence of Virgo.

Mercury is a non-emotional, rational, and organized energy. When Mercury is in Virgo, the air can feel even more rigid. Known for their pattern recognition, sharp wit, and rational solutions, these placements can solve their way out of the most complex situations. Ruled by Mercury, their bright ideas and solutions may see a boost under normal circumstances. Get organized, double-check your work, and press send on those messages when the energy is clear.

When Mercury goes retrograde in the sign of Virgo, you may be called to reflect on situations or experiences from the past. Mercury is at home here, so while there's nothing to panic about, important things may deserve a second glance before you make a judgement. As always, you can expect small hiccups like glitchy technology, stumbling over your words, etc. You may have an ex or two appear in your suggested friends, or even the inbox. Give extra care to what you decide to do. Watch what you say and how it's being delivered. 

Mercury Retrograde can offer insights on how you communicate with those around you, as well as your ability to understand and process complicated thoughts. As I said previously, this is a time of observance and realignment. See how you react to things. See how others react to you. Meditation and journaling are excellent tools during this time.

Journaling Prompts

  • How often do I jump to conclusions when I see or hear something that I'm unsure of its validity?
  • When others around me are speaking, how could I improve my listening and comprehension of their ideas?
  • How organized are my thoughts? Is it easy for me to communicate these thoughts verbally? In writing?
  • How do I struggle when it comes to expressing an opinion in front of others?

This Mercury Retrograde in Virgo will last from now until August 28th, 2024. It starts at the 4th degree in Virgo and will work its way back to the 21st degree of Leo. Virgo and Leo placements around the degrees mentioned may feel an impact, however, as Mercury is close, it may affect us all in one way or another.

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